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Becoming a Brand Ambassador

Being a brand ambassador for Our Secreto is an excellent opportunity for individuals who are passionate about sexual wellness and promoting high-quality products. As a brand ambassador, you will work exclusively for Our Secreto, representing the company and promoting its products to your followers and fans. This role comes with several benefits, including the chance to receive a monthly delivery of the new products on the line, providing valuable feedback while promoting the range.

As a brand ambassador, you will be able to use and test the products personally, giving you firsthand experience of their benefits and features. This will enable you to provide authentic and informed feedback to the company, helping to improve the products continually. Additionally, you can share your feedback with your followers and fans, helping them to make informed decisions when purchasing Our Secreto products.

One of the most significant advantages of being a brand ambassador for Our Secreto is the high commissions you can earn. The company values its ambassadors and offers competitive commissions to reward their hard work and dedication. Additionally, you can offer your followers and fans the best discounts on all well-known brands, allowing them to access high-quality products at affordable prices.

In conclusion, being a brand ambassador for Our Secreto is an excellent opportunity for individuals who are passionate about sexual wellness and promoting high-quality products. This role comes with several benefits, including the chance to receive a monthly delivery of the new products on the line, providing valuable feedback while promoting the range, earning high commissions, and offering your followers and fans the best discounts on all well-known brands.

Send all applications to - sales@oursecreto.com

Must include the following - 

  1. Full Name
  2. Date of Birth (Must be over the age 18)
  3. Social media @ account

We look forward to working with you.

Kind regards,

Our Secreto Team