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Work With Us

Send all applications to - sales@oursecreto.com

Influencers and Affiliates.

As an influencer, you have built a strong following on your social media platforms, and your audience trusts your recommendations. This is why we would like to offer you the opportunity to collaborate with Our Secreto as an affiliate.

As an affiliate, you would promote our products and website on your Instagram, OnlyFans, and any other social media channels you have. By doing so, you will be able to offer your followers an exclusive 10% discount on all of our products.

This is a win-win situation for both you and your followers. Your followers get access to quality products at a discounted price, and you earn a commission for every sale made through your unique affiliate link. It's a great way to monetise your influence and grow your income.

Our Secreto offers a wide range of products, including lingerie, adult toys, and accessories, all of which are of the highest quality. We are confident that your followers will love our products, and we believe that your promotion of them will help us reach even more potential customers.

Joining our affiliate program is easy and straightforward. Simply sign up on our website, and we will provide you with a unique affiliate link to share with your followers. You can track your earnings and commission through our user-friendly dashboard.

In conclusion, collaborating with Our Secreto as an affiliate is a great way for influencers to monetise their influence and offer their followers quality products at a discounted price. We look forward to working with you and helping you grow your income.

Parties and Events

Are you planning a party or event and looking for something unique and exciting to offer your guests? Look no further than Our Secreto for a collaboration that will leave your guests talking for weeks!

Our collaboration offers you the opportunity to host your own party or event with a range of sex toys and lingerie available for purchase. It's a great way to have fun with your friends while also introducing them to quality products that they may not have seen before.

We provide a wide selection of adult toys, lingerie, and accessories, all of which are of the highest quality. Our products are designed to enhance intimacy and pleasure, and we believe they will be a big hit at your party or event.

you have a choice to select the perfect bundles for the event ranging from £30 hen/stag night hampers to £800+ party packages, including all your favourite brands!

Hosting a party or event with Our Secreto is simple and hassle-free. We will provide you with all the necessary materials and instructions to set up your own mini store, allowing your guests to browse our products and make purchases in a comfortable and relaxed environment.

By collaborating with us, you will also have the opportunity to earn a commission on all sales made at your event. It's a great way to make some extra money while having fun with your friends.

In conclusion, collaborating with Our Secreto is a unique and exciting way to host a party or event that your guests will love. Our range of adult toys, lingerie, and accessories are of the highest quality and designed to enhance intimacy and pleasure. Contact us today to learn more and start planning your event!

if this either of the above are of any interest, please contact us at sales@oursecreto.com - one of our account managers will be happy to answer any questions and assist you wherever needed.

Send all applications to - sales@oursecreto.com

Must include the following - 

  1. Full Name
  2. Date of Birth (Must be over the age 18)
  3. Social media @ account